Q&A - The Water Network | by AquaSPE

The Water Network | by AquaSPE

The largest knowledge sharing platform for global water professionals with more than 127,000 members. A free resource with benefits for individuals, organizations & projects. See the "About US" Group    & our  Advisors. Thanks to our volunteer thought leaders!  

Water well sizing in Kenya

Bioremediation of sewage pollution into Rivers and lakes

Illinois Global Scholar Project

Pulsator for water drainage plant

Trench and Excavation Safety

How airbubbles can help corals to better living conditions?

Evaporation of brine water

Hydrocarbons, VOCS and Mineral Oil in water

primary rectangular settling tank

SOFTWARE for designing drinking water treatment plants

How to scale up water management from Padlock to catchment/basin wide?

What is the average production cost of irrigation water in Egypt? I am looking for the "economic value".

The wastewater from the olefin cracking plant effect the nitrifying bacteria of sludge

Wastewater Biosolid Management in India

Wastewater Biosolid Management in India


Water pipe network corrosion rate

Biodispersant for cooling tower

Iron removal by aeration system

Why the conductivity of wastewater is increased after resin?


For sludge reduction, what is the main source and how to cut down?


How to prevent the reaction of water with lime?

60,000 Population seeking Cost Effective & Affordable Water Solutions

Wastewater treatment


The formula of calculating sludge (Dry sludge and Wet sludge)

Sewer Treatment Solution

Resin for High TDS softening

Pseudomonas aeruginosa in drinking water

Managing Wastewater during emergencies

Household Level Water Treatment System

Underground, river-level, reservoir and borehole water Realtime monitoring systems

Water Filtration for rural households and sand abstraction system design



The Impurities contain Zinc will affect the NITROGEN OXIDES EMISSIONS (METHOD 7E)

Shelf Life of RO Membrane

Backwashable Cartridge Filters

Sulfate in well water

RO fouling

Engineering services needed to validate a novel MED hybrid process.

measure of small concentrations (1 to 100 ppm) citric acid

Solid Sludge digestor

Which three water companies and technologies will have the biggest impact on the water sector in the next ten years

Small-scale Processing Plant of Sewage Sludge for gas / electricity / product production

Difference between Extended Aeration VS Aeration in Water Treatment

The risk and the transition time: two aeration tanks in parallel adjust to anoxic tank and aeration tank in series

The 1,2-Dichloropropane in the return water of the cooling tower

The idea is a good? to identify the dominant nitrifying bacteria by NGS/QIIME2 procedure

pH lower in aeration process

Solvent contaminated rags


Waste water treatment plant

how we remove the layer of impurities from the water which is supplied by the municipal.

upgrade areated lagoon


Blackish color Cooling Tower Blowdown

Iron removel

Barge Mounted Wet Salt Harvester

Meter Installation

Standard corrosion rate

Removal of Nickel

Any experience removing algae from large volume rainwater catchment tanks?

How to mix corrosion inhibitor by scale dispersant

How is the environmental governance applies to climate change?

Dairy Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Looking for a simple definition for the phrase "governance is composed of framework for analysis "

Looking for definitions for various topics related to environmental governance

Looking for information to include for the environmental governance

Mixed corrosion inhibitors for cooling water system

Effective chemical for reduce COD and maintain pH

ETP Plant for Textile Processing Mill

Cost and Efficacy around large scale filtration solutions

Precipitation risks of carbonate species due to stripping of dissolved CO2 in aquifer water

Water From The Air

Scope of Rain Water Harvesting

How/where may I acquire a Vortex Spring water generator/accumulator?


Can we inject NaOH in Ro Memberane and then use the product water as drinking water?

History behind various acts leading to something similar to the Clean Water Act in USA for Great Britain

Canal irrigation

Copper mine effluent treatment

Stochiometric Metrics

Sea Water Desalination - portable works from solar panel

24VDC Centrifugal and Diaphragm Pumps

Water sea desalination plant ?

Has the concept of governance fared better than the government in the developing countries in dealing water resources?

Question about where does the general overview of governance information come from?

free chlorine quantity calculation for Cooling tower

Sewer Meters

Looking for organizational framework or structure for dictatorship government similar to democratic government

Composting toilets

Water utilities that also provide recreational water services

Looking for definitions between good and bad government and not good and bad governance or are they interchangeable

US EPA Standards for Drinking Water Quality

Different discharge limits by country

Algae Count - Phytoplankton - Trends on the Oman Coast

Sizing a Water Meter

Import Drinking Water Supply network data in Epanet ?

Problem with ion-exchange resins efficiency

What is the best  International Water Organisation for a researcher ?

Irrigation water quality for sodium, chloride, bicarbonate and boron ions

Drainage plan for a beach community

Extractable & leachable Certificate

Artesian wells

Waste water treatment using anaerobic digestion

Peak flood estimation

Containerized solid waste Technology

Chemical dosing of polyaluminium chloride (PAC)

Determining the recharge rate/recharge capacity of a recharge well

Industry best practice for sludge handling and re-use

Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and Sludge Volume Index SVI

Chemical question about potential corrosion due to chlorine

Reliable arsenic monitor for ground water

Chlorophyll Analyser Values - no. of cells per litre

Equipment for cleaning HDPE and Masonary Tanks

Operation Philosophy for Water Conveyance / Transmission Systems

Use of Quasi Alkanility in drinking water quality

Arsenic mitigation in high volume water flow

Biodegradable Chemicals

Sludge precipitated in HP Dosing (TSP) stainer

Oxygen Scavenger (Carbohydraside) Residual in Boiler Feed Water


Financial tools used to manage risks due to freshwater extremes

What are the important factor(s) in maintaining the sustainability and adaption of the water resources within the watershed?

Iron Removal

Coulter Count vs Silt Density Index

seawater injection plants

Which sand's size to use for sand filter?


How to calculate the quantity of media filtre (sand, actif charbon.)?.

H2O2 destruction by mixed-bed DI resins

How to prevent water mains from freezing in the snow zones in water supply projects?

How to increase concentrat flux?

Foam formation

RO and NF Cost Comparison

Sulphur removal

Floating Sludge

Aluminium removal from wastewater effluent

Silica Removal

Distance between two Valves in a same chamber in a Water Transport Network

Non-Chemical Cooling Water Treatment

Guarantee on drilling projects

looking for a thesis on MSF or MED for my graduation

Directory of Engineering Firms

Where Can i find the details of the Companies working on clean Ganga project?

Management challenges of Ganga River

Basic ​​calculations ​​for MBBR ​​technology for ​​domestic water

Effective crops on clay soil

Removal of synthesized solution impurities

Removing cyanide's from concentrated industrial waste water

Free modelling software for water and wastewater treatment

Online pH control architecture

School Sewage treatment plant

Milk Processing Plant

Sewage treatment for a cancer hospital

Conventional WWTP Design question

Request for Suggestion for Online Courses

Observation- formation on top the anoxic tank in a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

Up flow anaerobic sludge blanket technology (UASB) tank

Reverse Osmosis (RO) vs. Nano Filtration (NF)

Liquid Polyelectrolyte

New commercial approach for water Basins

Microplastic research

rain water harvesting pond

Storage tank emptying time

Fungi in biosolids

Rates of water reuse/recycling of urban water utilities

AMR domestic water meters

Water Well

industrial waste water treatment

Simultaneous DBO removal and nitrification in WWTP

Asking about graduate themes

Chemical additive for water vapor evaporation arrester

Conveying manure at 13% solids

The kinematic viscosity of 75% ethylene glycol (and 25% water)@40 °C for pump seal oil

Biosand filter

High TDS after cleaning RO membrane

Residual oxygen control for lab scale equipment

Urgent Request for Insights on Benefit-Cost Ratios and New Models for Project Delivery

Landfill leachate treatment.

Water loss in an UASB reactor ?

Environmental flow calculation

Turbidity to filter size

Water Quality

Water Quality effluent

Urban Water System management advanced optimization



River water treatment - Ecoli removal

Removal of SMBS (Sodium Methabisulfite) in wastewater

Natural Zeolites

Fluoridation into water

Producing Demineralized water from Ion-exchange resins

What is the average time (days) for Aeration and Clarification phases of wastewater treatment, in your experience?

Pseudomonas removal

National water policies and actions

Removal of selenium

Ecosystem Restoration Camps/Camp Paradise (CALIFORNIA fires aftermath) Help & Support Needed

Detection of underground services (pipes / cables) and leak detection

The nitration reaction of high chloride (~10,000 ppm) activated sludge system

UF tubular ceramic membranes

The Nitration and Denitration reaction alternately in a activated sludge system

International Rules for Wastewater Treatment

Rainwater Harvesting

Water project Uganda how to get support for this initiative

Nano bubble Solar pond aeration

The loading (F/M value) effect the efficiency of organotrophic and nitrifying bacteria

Cartridge Filters for SWRO Desalination Plants

Energy saving in water and waste water treatment plant

Settling difficulty

Microbiological culture enabling biological treatment of leachate and affect of aeration process

Extraction of caustic soda from desalination waste

SWRO Desalination

Solution required for the Reduction of HCL for PH Controlling in waste water treatment plant

I&C e-shop

MBBR cost

Moisture content (range) of mesquite trees (Prosopis juliflora) in Oman

Minimum water Holding volume for Dam Intake Well

Diethanolamine(DEA) and methyldiethanolamine(MDEA) for activated sludge


The textile wastewater by MBR

How to size diffused aeration system for aeration process of raw water in the treatment plant

Anybody interested in partnering the agroforestry PILOT to empower the landless farmers in India PILOT

Total hardness in drinking water samples


What is the disadvantage if some plant do not inject chloride (cl )in carbon active for ro membrane ??


Biogas production from municipal wastewater sludge

Ultrasonic Water Flow meter for remote locations.

Is it possible to estimate mass balance in a Storm water drain during bioremediation?

RO reject

Partnering with Organizations: How to implement your best practices?

Contacts in Guatemala, Nicaragua, or Colombia

Silver ion health issue?

Why the cresol come from the sour water

To evaluate the active of activated sludge by ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

On-line perchlorate analyzer (water resources)

Removing foaming from borewell water

Sand Removal Equipment from seawater intake

Ammonia (NH3/ NH4+) treatment process

Passive screening for seawater application

Where can I collect realtime water quality data of ganga river?

Ultraviolet treatment for rural water supply

Waste Water Treatment - phosphates and nitrates

WWTP design for Refinery

Waste Water Treatment Certificate

Lamallae tube settler clarifier

Water Loss

Best Practice for Water and Sanitation Data Management

SS316L vs Duplex 2304

Looking for Case studies for areas that have been impacted by climate changes related to the hydrological cycle

Reeves osmosis

Comparison of Disinfection Methods in Drinking Water Treatment


Demineraliser Throughput Calculations

Grey Water Treatment

Job opportunities and potential trend for water and wastewater treatment

Design for a flat bottom sludge blanket clarifier

How to select correct parameters for designing an industrial wastewater treatment work?

Flood prediction applications and techniques

Decreasing pH values in groundwater

Outlet flow measurement of a mount-top drinking water treatment plant

Rain Water Treatment

Desalination of ground water from a well

An App for modeling Groundwater treatment system

Study path - electrical and automation engineer

Wastewater from acrylonitrile process deal by activated sludge

Collected  water and treatment to re use for drip irrigation inside the Solar glass greenhouse

Removing 1,4 Dioxane at Residential Level RE: Long Island

Water utilization

Dehydrated treatment method for aging oil

Sea water pipe line pigging

Asset Criticality Assessment System

Aluminium in drinking water

Smart Meter Configuration

How competent & competitive is Beijing Enterprises Water Group?

How to workout AEP of PMP?

The temperature required for the RO facility

Effectiveness of  RO (water treatment facility) backwashing

Smallest particle removed by rapid sand filtration

How positive and neutral NOM are removed?

Water Related Social Enterprise

Which filter types are best for recycling laundry grey water?

Micro organism removed by membranes, scientific reports

COVID-19: reported cases of contamination and effluents and drinking water.

How testing and/or remove pesticides & herbicides in water

WWT REUSE and mixing with rainwater

Cashew nut process wastewater treatment technologies?

Internally Stage Design - Du Pont (DOW membranes)

The DO after degassing process

Treatment of Liquid Molasses waste / Vinasse

Emulsified oil in wastewater

Introducting wastewater/sanitation tariffs for the first time

Equipment for generating chlorine

Boron Treatment in Drinking Water

Addition of unreacted excess sodium chlorite into potable water in Desalination

Salt recovery

Settling Difficulties

wastewater plant data

Maximum allowable velocity in sewer for stormwater drainage

Eliminate Odor at Tankers Discharged Area

Could you let me know the maximum allowable velocity in pipe in your country?

NH3-N ​​reduction rate of stripped sour water

Measuring crop evapotranspiration

RO reject water recover

NO2-N decrease and NO3-N increase while we lower the DO in the high chloride (~10,000 ppm) wastewater

Colloidal Silica in Lime

SWRO Biofouling

Water footpint/usage in different industries

Treating Glycol in water with limited space

Using Ozone treatment to reduce COD levels

Different sludge growth

Whats is liquid glue for membrane rolling?

Nitrogen sparger for spent caustic treatment

Chlorine pump

Nitrate problem in RO system

How do we ascertain the percentage of water recharge available through sub-surface wells?

What is the best decentralised excess Fluoride removal system in drinking water?

Phenol reduction

UVC radiation energy calculation for killing microbs in water fo

A problem leakage of the piston pump

Water Vending machine

dosing calculation for potable water

Hormones in water, standards and methods of removal

M.tech thesis based on Zero Liquid Discharge in Wastewater treatment.

Smell removal from waste water pumping station

Potable water chlorination & pH changes

Best Strategy for Total Trihalomethanes (TTHM) in Drinking Water reduction?

River Bank Filtration

Effective sealant for Cast Iron Pipe in replacement to Lead

What will it take to instill personal and leadership responsibility?

Ceramic flat sheet membranes

Textile Industry in India

Application for designing WWTP?

Silica removal in Industrial waste water

Is it possible to to detect coliform/fecal coliform if the same water shows presence of residual chlorine?

Separating paint residues from  solvents

RO membranes, reducing differential pressure (DP)

Soluble COD removal.


Ground water quality

What is the Initial dose for FeCl2, FeSO4, Al2 (SO4)3) during wastewater coagulation-floculation process?

How to calculate groundwater recharge rate?

Lamella inclined plate settlers

Evaluate the Resin volume in a Mix Bed filter


Algae removal

ZLD for high total hardness wastewater

Small water purifier for restaurant and domestic use in Bangladesh

Advice request on safe use of bore hole water

Aerated Lagoon

Lamellar tubes disintegrated within the settle

WWTP nitrogen abatement

Pumice Filter Media

Groundwater Well Water Treatment

API standard

Impact of UF on Chlorinated Water.

Hello for those who have written books

Pressure drop SAND filter

I’m growing grain corn on 120 acres of a silt soil type.

Remote sensing techology for leak detection

Water Tanks cleaning equipment

Pretreatment of RO plant

Municipal water produced in industrial production units

Waste water from a bakery containing sulfides

Subsurface irrigation using drainage pipe.


Waste water flow rate in small municipal wastewater treatment packages.

Continuous Electrodeionization (CEDI) water treatment plant

Back wash flow rate of Dual Media FIlter

Waste Water Treatment Physiology for Pharmaceutical Industry

Polymers for Residue Treatment

Costing tools for water infrastructure

Why test for Total Ammonia in drinking water if testing for mono chlorimines, free chlorine and free ammonia?

pH vs Saturated pH Values

Lake remediation techniques

Problem of bulking and grease trap, sludge and odor control

Reservoir Seepage

Remineralized Potable Water Turbidity Control

Remote monitoring functionality of handpumps

Water Resouces management

What is the best method to remove Manganese and Iron?

Percentage of phosphoric acid

Ferric chloride injection point at WWTP

Sludge bulking (filamentous bacteria) in SBR municipal sewage

PHD Programs in Water/Environment

River Source Water supply operations procedures

DO meters based on fluorescence quenching (optical method)


Antiscalant Test

Water quality parameters comparison

Tank disinfection with sodium hypochlorite

Pollution monitoring of potable water

High TDS in Treated water from MBR process

Suggested E-learning courses on hydraulics

Using simple technologies to recycle grey laundry water

What is the role of coal in the Water-Energy-Food nexus?

Potable Drinking Water Quality

Changing from Sodium Hypochlorite to Chlorine Dioxide

Electrodeionization (EDI) Leaking ( water dropping between stack frame and gasket )

Nano membrane - damaged header element

Azoline test

Anaerobic Digester

Chelating uranium in low pH stream

Chemicals that form from reaction between nitrate and sodium thiosulfate

Safe Methods for Water Disposal from Laboratory

Chemical reactions of iron with sulfur compounds

Functional bacteria for removing organic deposits in (cooling) water cycles ?

Question of the Day: Forward Osmosis

Reuse of Mines for Geothermal Water

Pesticide Residue Removal

Does natural activated carbon become bulky?

Grace satellite

Question of the Day: Maximizing Cooling Tower Cycles


Arsenic and Heavy Metals Removal

Dissolving Sodium Hexa Meta Phosphate

Question of the Day: Filming Amines

New Leak Detection Technologies for the field.

inhibitors and anti scale chemicals , formulation

UV Disinfection for WWTP effluent

Oil (kerosene) Spill: Detection/Monitoring of Row Water

Control, Monitoring and Regulation of Maritime Emissaries with dispersers

Microbial fuel cell

Question about sizing a centrifuge

How Can I get an access to Global Circulation Models (gcms)?

Chlorine Removal Sodium Metabisulfite (SMBS) & Active Carbon

Mixing method for big amount of wastewater

Error r.watershed (QGIS)

How to Find Communities in Need?

Limits of salinity ,chloride and conductivity for biological treatment

Copepods in supernatant return

Sulfuric acid quantity calculation for Cooling tower

Poly vinyl alcohol dissolvable plastic packaging in household waste water

How to remove caustic smell after DM plant??

RO high pressure pump

Nal se Jal: Piped water to every rural home in India

Groundwater recharge by rain harvesting

How to recover more water through membrane separation of three stage RO

Salt water Salinity changes in membrane technology desalination

Ground water treatment for drinking purposes

Wastewater Treatment Software

Water hyacinth

Reduce the COD of the plastic recycling effluent

Water consumption for 100 ha crop

Submersible UF

Max COD that SBRs can handle

TDS Limit Impacting Biological Wastewater Treatment

RO design to reduce fouling

Trend analysis of Rainfall

Why does increasing TDS affect UF?

How to calculate alklinity of the water?

Re: Water Conditioning


Digestate - Belt Press Filtrate Treatment

The Percentage of Chlorine in Sodium Hypochlorite?

Seawater Quality Near Mozambique

Advice Needed: Can Sludge Water Be Used for Irrigation and Natural Way to Treat for Domestic Use?

Break Point Chlorination

Ceramic Membrane MBR

Bacteria Growth

Desalination costs


Drinking Water Supply System Gravity Fed

Equation for Working Out Cost of Wastewater Treatment Plant

PhD topic: EcoSan; nutirent recovery or water reuse

Treatment & reuse of urban sewage and effluent

TSE quality

How to sequester the CO2 emitted from large scale municipal wastewater treatment plants ?

How do I prepare highly alkaline water for washing fruits, vegetables?

Sulfuric acid application for cooling water treatment

What information is typically included in the barcoding for LIMS water treatment lab?

Question of the Day: Hydrogen Sulfite Formation

UF Compressors

Water treatment footprint

Increased pH of Permeate Water in Reverse Osmosis Plant

Large Dams, are they still beneficial ? or dangerous? पानी और बांध

Question of the Day: Condensate Value

Removal of mercury from flue gases from mine industry?

What is the Best Option for Microplastics and Microfibers Removal in Wastewater Treatment Plants?

Question of the Day: Softener Elution Study

Chemical equation and calculation for remineralization system

Boron Leakage Monitoring

Bacteria or Fungi that process and biodegrade grease and oils.

Operational monitoring for iron removal

Low-flow, low-pressure wastewater pumps

Ion Exchange Feed Water Quality Consideration

Relationship between MLSS in a MBR Tank and solid content of ETP

Can I use arsenic removal with Bayoxide E33 1st and ASM 10 2nd

Edible Oil Separation from Potable Water Technique??

Potable Water Distribution to Disperse Communities

RO Membranes Failure

What are the ​Most Prominent ​Methods to ​Handle Hard ​Scale Formation ​in Plant Boiler ​?

Is it possible to used liquid NH4OH instead of Organic Amine to maintain the ph level of water in boilers?

What is the Best Method for Removal of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDC) from Wastewater?

Technical Proposal for Automatic Dosing System

Scaling of Water Safety Plan (WSP)

A Question about Water Supply Chain

Master thesis

Open Source 1D fluid dynamics software?


Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) in Densely Populated Areas

Aluminum Sulfate or Ferric Chloride?

New Technology for Disinfection

Lime Saturators

Lamella Clarifier Applied at Pre-sedimentation Tank?

Sodium Hypochlorite Tank vent

Implications of Lower TSS content(< 50ppm) on Lamella performance

Cost of an OFMSW AD Plant?

In Search of an Accurate, Easy to Use, Handheld Ozone PPM Sensor

What is the Best Treatment Option for Laundry Wastewater?

Changes in flow rate and COD of Biological treatment .

Mercury Testing - What's Your Thoughts on the Technology?

Disinfection - controlling chlorine dioxide residual

CIP reverse osmosis

Question of the Day: Alternative Cooling Tower Makeup Sources

Will Anthracite Coal from a Multimedia Bed Block Cartridge Filters?

MSF BR Software Suggestions?

Software for Hydraulic Modelling of Stormwater Runoff in Planned Urban Areas

What Methods are Used to Monitor Nitrate 24/7, Whether in a Plant or in a Laboratory?

Question of the Day: Common Drain

Wastewater with High COD, BOD & NH3N

Stainless steel pipes for demineralized water from reverse osmosis?

We are looking for suppliers of small digestor units for anaerobic sludge stabilization (biogas production)

Question of the Day: BOD & COD

Question of the Day: "Add Acid to Water"

Reference for wastewater treatment costing UK

Question of the Day: Oxidizing Biocides

Removal of hardness and silica

Improving drinking water compliance

How to Calculate the Exchange Capacity (as CaCO3) in Mixed Bed Exchanger?

Water Quality For 40 Bar Compressor Air Cooling Loop

Lims (Laboratory Information Management) System

Question: Activated carbon for decreasing NOM, TOC, COD

Question of the Day : Normalizing RO Data

Question of the Day: RO vs DI

Soil Water Index and Irrigation Depth?

Zinc Electrowinning from a Strong Acid Solution?

MBBR Tank Deph

Organic polyelectrolyte

Question: How to Design End Carriage Mechanism of Peripheral Driven Clarifier?

What are the criteria for selecting a submersible jet aerator ?

What would be the sludge consistency present in a thickened sludge from a fertilizer industry effluent?

Water Quality Application

Which factor influences the selection of the right valve for fully automating an STP/ETP?

What should be the water quality standards for the water used for juice production in FMCG industry?

Experience in algae bloom remediation?

EviroLyzer for nitrate determination

Selection of installation location of digital water flow meter

Question of the Day: RO Salt Passage

What problems should I pay attention to when using ultrasonic flowmeters?

Coal gasification

Advantages and disadvantages of dosing sodium metabisulphite at RO Feed water?

Do you know any firm/research center/NGO that connects applied research to pilot projects in the field?

Water quality, permissible levels for Arsenic

Filamentous bacteria in SBR plant ..

Manhole Seismic Vulnerability

The most effective technologies for purification of rain water for drinking and cooking purposes

Algae Control in Fish Pond

Brumadinho incident

Water Demand Assessment

How Water Corporations/Utilities in Developing Countries Can Be Self-sustained Financially?

WASH in Low income communities

Cl02 for disinfection of drinking water causing bad odor

Treatment method for polymer presence in incoming WasteWater

Grants for women for Masters Program on Management of Water Resources

Doing away with Sump Well in two-stage pumping

MSc degrees: Which of the following has a better future (employment/PhD) prospectus after graduation?

Water Distribution to Poor Communities

Pre-treatment of Cosmetic industry wastewater

Most suitable type of diffuser for SBR

Lime sludge recycling

India water level statics number

Request for suggestions for my new publication

Thread partials in Denim Washing Waste Water Plant

Display Flow Directions on ground surface by ArcGIS

Impact of Sodium meta bisulphite on biological treatment processes

Treatment for Boron

Any information on EnviroLyzer series II from Applitek

School Handwashing Posters

SW30HR-380 or SW30HRLE-400i or SW30HRLE-440i is more suitable?

Brown Colouration of Borehole Water

Replacing membranes with different brands instead of each other

Marine Nitrate Testing

Odour Control and Extermination in Sewage and Wastewater Pits

Treatment of Solid Elemental Sulfur

Dams without enough sustainable water supply

Relationship Between Velocity and Performance/Costing of the Piping System

How to build your own small sewage treatment plant?

Question of the Day: Cooling Tower Volume

Contaminated Turbine Condensate

Passive Screens versus Intake Structures

DAF Systems and Dosing Rates

RO Plant Energy Consumption

Cyanide in Effluent

Surge Vessel Design

Impact on flexible hose pipes for careful use of irrigation water

Yellow-like Color of the RO Permeate Water

Water Supply Bulk Metering: Pumping Station Meter Readings

Materials of Construction and High Chloride Corrosion

How to Increase Calcium ion in RO Water with High Capacity (1500 m3/d)

​Trend Analysis ​of Rainfall and ​Runoff

Industrial Overland Flow Pretreatment

Increase in Trans-Membrane Pressure (TMP) in RO

Mitigating Ammonia Pollution in Water - Can There Be Any Suitable Coagulant?

Question of the Day: Water Sampling

Decanter electronics failure

High Hardness but Low TDS?

Treatment of high TDS water: Is RO feasible?

Manganese Deposition

Question of the Day: Chlorine Species

Operation of Wastewater Treatment Works

Question of the Day: Holding Time Index

Disinfection in the final effluent of wastewater, lead to high Ecoli

Best Technology for Treating Abattoir Wastewater Before Discharging Into the System

Total Hardness and Total Alkalinity in Water

Soil Texture of My Desired Area

RO for high COD inlet

Air Dissolution in an Air Saturator of a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) System

Technical Regulation Management Training for Water/Used Water Industry

Question of the Day: Boiler Carryover

Lime soda Frustrations

Sand filtration

Question of Day: Wastewater Combination vs. Segregation

Digitising surface water with GIS

Temperature vs. Calcium/Magnesium Solubility

Drinking Water compliance

Chlorine Dioxide Dosing

Question of the Day: Closed Loop Filtration

Deaerator Corrosion

Question of the Day: Neutralizing Amine Feed Points

Removal of Nutrients in Constructed Wetlands

Aluminium Carry Over

Bioreactor with Biochar treatment

Textile WasteWater treatment and recycle issues

Question of the Day: Alternative Cooling Tower Makeup Sources

Question of the Day: Cooling Tower Drift Losses

Question of the Day: Reducing Boiler Blowdown

Operation of Wastewater Treatment Works

Thiessen Polygon Method

What is the low-cost safe solution for creating an estuary in sea?

Low cost solution to remove fluoride from groundwater

Borehole Drilling Methods - ​Percussion ​Drilling Method ​and Mud Rotary

Tracing Leaks in Water Pipelines Passing Through Water Bodies?

Stormwater Transfer Rising Main

Looking for Water Technology Companies

RO-CIP Flow Rate Designing

Whether kerasive ceramic filters will remove moisture present in oil?

Does any environmental law/act/regulation cover diversion of natural course of river?

Design of Active Sludge

Floating Solid Waste Material Removal Technique for Municipal Drains Before River Outfall

What are the Issues around Municipal Solid Waste Management in India?

Seeking Collaboration with young scientists under 35-Proposal for youth for water and climate of GWP

Isn't Bottled Water Safe and Clean?

Nitrifying Activated Sludge Design

MLSS Performance Problem

Activated Sludge Process

Reducing of Pb2+ and Cd2+ from Well Water with RO Plants

Water Tank Cleaning Equipment

Removal of Manganese from Borehole Water Without Chemicals

Basic Water and Sanitation Terms

Removal of iron in Borewell water without chemicals

Increased pH of permeate water in Reverse Osmosis plant with 25 m3/d capacity.

I urgently need suppliers of biological treatment solutions for sewage and wastewater treatments

Feasibility Studies for Water and Waste Water Solution

Storm Water Mixing with Sewage

Nitrite Based Treatment for Closed Cooling Water Treatment

SRT in MBBR systems

Moss and Peat Water Treatment

Trichloroisocyanuric Acid for Purificaion of Drinking Water

How to Verify the Submersible Pump Speed During Factory Acceptance Test?

Best Practices in Wastewater Collection

Which are the most prestigious online Master in Engineering degrees in water?

weighted average method of rainfall

Elevated temperatures of brine solution

Replacing gas chlorinators with electro-chlorinators

Study Guide

Groundwater Quality - Health Safety

Calculation of Head Loss in storages in Wastewater Treatment Process

Can Anyone Suggest me a Distributor Company?

Gain Water from Vapour Condensation

Trend Analysis of Rainfall, Runoff and Temperature

Can Anyone Suggest Where I can get GIS Data for Thailand?

Influence of Omitting the Primary Sedimentation in A2O Process

MBBR in Anaerobic reactor

Boiler Condensate Treatment

What is a Closed Basin Scenario (Water)?

Evolution of Water Laws in India

Drawing Management Software

Extended Aeration Activated Sludge (EAAS) Treatment System Design

The interpretation of BOD

Non Chlorine Based Water Disinfection Tablets

Which water treatment disinfectant chemical disinfects all types pathogens in unsafe water?

Boiler Superheater tubes precleaning & passivation?

Wastewater Composition of Olefin Plant as Ethane Gas Cracker


Water Disinfection

Using Composite Filter Media, Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration

Sealing water

Velocity Gradient for Flow Over Weir in Open Channel

Sealing Water for Vacuum Pumps

Filtration Membrane

Retrofitting a Wastewater Treatment Plant

Marine WWTP Bidding

What is the Major Difference Between Coagulation and Flocculation in Water Treatment?

Climate Change and Water Supply

Simultaneous Removal of Hardness and Silica

What are the limitations of UltraViolet (UV) in disinfection of water?

Blowdown in Cooling Tower

Groundwater Management - Implementing Strategies

How to remove a Silica Scale in Boiler Tubes?

Anaerobic Digestion Reactor Design

Do you know that aluminium cans contain a plastic liner on the inside ?

Water Chemistry Software

UF DOW IntegraPac

Liquid Chlorine

How large is the North American inorganic coagulant market?

Firetube Boiler Carryover

Do chemical pH adjusters cause treated water pH fluctuations?

Nitrogen Sensors for Crop Fields

Spent Caustic Treatment Success Experience

Difference Between Excess Chlorine and Residual Chlorine?

Reverse Osmosis Membranes Problems

UASB Effluent Becomes High pH Upon Aeration

Center Pivot Irrigation System

Treating Cake Factory Wastewater?

Reverse Osmosis for Boiler Makeup

Rain Water Does Not Drain from Hills to the Streams, Even after Heavy Rainfall [50 cms]

Chlorinated Flocculants

Water Testing Kits

Coagulation of Surface Water

What Do You Look For in a LIMS for Your Water Quality Lab?

High performance lime slurry

Gas Chromatography

Softeners and Iron


Dairy Wastewater Effluents

Cooling Tower Acid Injection

Lithium Bromide Analysis

Lime Use

Cellulose Carrier in Aeration Tanks

Water Test Kit

Trade Shows in the US?

Has anyone else read the Black & Veatch 2018 Water Report?

Checking Algae Formation

Methods to reduce the Oil & Grease content in the Industrial Waste Water


Smart Valve

Wastewater Equalization vs. Segregation

Organic Coagulant (In-line Coagulation)

Underground Cemented Pipeline tracing

Large Size Desalination Plants

Water supply system for high elevated community, source is 500m below

Next Generation of Talent

Minimizing Cooling Tower Water Usage

Asking about Cooperation Between India and Germany on Namami Ganga Programme

Does Nucleation Assisted Crystallization/Template Assisted Crystallization Really Work?

Turn Sand / Arid Zones into Fertile Lands

Water Treatment Plant Costs?

Pumping Urine from Urine Diversion Toilet to a Cultivated Field

Reuse of Treated Water from Domestic Use

Run-off Rainwater Conservation

Dolomite Rewatering

Upgrading an Analog Water Meter to Smart Meter

River Basin Cleaning

Toray and UF providers for Columbia


CPI vs API Oil Separator

Using Groundwater Well to Water a Soccer Stadium Grass Pitch

Reduction of Contaminants

Thrust Control in Distribution Systems

Seeking Machinery to Remove Sludge from Under a 20 meter Long Bridge

What is the Most Efficient Method to Test for Water Taste?

Membrane ​Casting Machine ​and a Cross ​Filtration Testing System

Textile Washing Plant Waste Water

Calculation for Wastewater Treatment

Parameters to Calculate the Cost of Pumping Borehole Water

Sparkling Water in Glass Production

Calculations for Wastewater Treatment

Nitrate Removal of Industrial Effluents

Irrigation Statistics of Different Indian States

Rejuvenation of Dormant Groundwater Wells

Double Pass RO

Testing Filter Media - Combining Sand Sizes

Ion Exchange or RO for Low TDS Well Water?

Package Sewage Plants


Treatment of Wastewater from Molasses

Struggles of Anaerobic Digestion

Clarifying Drinking Water

Soil Group

RSB TDS Figure for Potable Water/Drinking Water

Mixing Ferrous Sulphate Heptahydrate


Replacement of Sand Media with Activated Filter Media

Digitizing Water Resources - Determining Stream Flow

Estimation of Daily Rainfall from Monthly Rainfall

Fresh Water Preservation

Most Cost-efficient Water Leaks Detection Method

Boiler Chemical Cleaning Wastewater

Stabilization Ponds in The Gambia

Procurement of Yucca, a Biological Plant for a Research Study in Water Treatment?

Technology for Wastewater Treatment

Lime Slurry Strength

Quantitative Approach in Evaluating Water and Waste Water Projects and Operations

RO Membrane Damage

Plunge Pool Design Criteria

Methodology to Detect Asbestos in Drinking Water?

Control Panel Design for a Water Production System

Nature-based Solutions Modelling

Activated Sludge

What is the Reason that the RO Membranes Weight is High After One Week Operation?

Daily Pumping Cost

How to Calculate Water Loss in Distribution System?

Best Method Study of River Morphology from Satellite Images?

Well Water Quality Indicator(s)?

Lamella Clarifiers Versus Conventional Clarifiers for Wastewater Treatment Plants?

What is the Best Approach for Yeast Factory Wastewater Treatment?

Methods to Revive a Well with Dumped Waste and Plastics

IFAS Design Parameters

COD Removal

Water-tightness Testing of Water Storing Concrete Structures / Use of Tracer Dye Colour

Best Method to Extract the River Line from Satellite Images?

What is the Minimum Water Discharge for Wastewater Treatment at Home?

Sludge Management and Disposal - Environmental and Economic Challenge

How ​to ​remove/reduce ​bromoform ​concentrations ​from treated ​water?

Are the Non-conventional Reservoir Well's Fracked Just One Time During its Shelf Life?

What kind of wastewater treatment can be recommended for homes where septic tanks cannot be installed?

What is the best method to control Bromate in process water?

Removal and Stabilization of Cadmium and Lead

Decentralized Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment Facility

Waste Water Design Options

Event for Students to Demonstrate the Sustainable Water Use/Management

Toilet Water Purification

Fluoride Reduction in a Groundwater System

Domestic Wastewater Treatment

HERO Process

Treatment of Arabian Sea Water for Industrial/Domestic Use

Design of the Water Distribution Network in Mountainous Area

Orthophosphate Issue in SWRO Plant

Cape Town Drought and Coal Power

Construction of Kalabagh Dam in Pakistan

Hazard Modeling Programs


Papers About Monitoring of Water Quality by Using Remote Sensing

Rainwater Management at Community Level

Effects of Microplastics on Humans

Documents About the Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBR) Calculation

Which Laws/Initiatives are Successfully Reducing Plastic Pollution of Water?

TN and TP

Water Consumption in Manufacturing

Rain Water Use

Flash Flood Warning Siren

Elimination of Organic Nitrogen in a WWTP

Pipe Calculation for Water Flow

Ceramic Membrane over Conventional MF/​UF?

Is "PolyGlu” Flocculent Useful for Removing Mineral/Heavy Metals from Water?

Removal of Lead, Cadmium and Chloride from Drinking Water

Design of Oil and Grease Trap and MBBR Tank


Help Regarding Riverbank Protection and Stability Analysis

Ultrafiltration In/Out or Out/In

Secondary Clarifier Design

Technology Options for Reducing Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions at WWTP?

Water Management and Sustainable Textile industry in Bangladesh

Urgent Help for Water Softener

New & Existing Technologies for Water Conservation, Collection, & Harvesting

High TDS (1349 mg/l) - Solution Required for Full House Supply

Low COD removal, what is the best for use as RO system feed?

Reduction of Pollutant Parameters in Dairy farm Wastewater

Cape Town: from Science to Policy

Fifth Stage Pumping Drinking Water Project

Using a Steel Pipe as a Dip Tube for Production Well

Why is SO2 Present in Wastewater?

Edible Halophytes for Effluent Treatment

SWRO Pre and post treatment methods

Flood Control and Urban Drainage Research Project

MBR Plant, Performance of Sludge

Software for irrigation design?

Seeking assistant to restructure Watershed for rainwater harvesting.

Reducing Water Salinity for Agriculture

Domestication of SDGs - Zero Hunger and Clean Water and Sanitation

Water Quality Parameters to Characterize Catchment

Closed Loop Water Treatment - Corrosion

MBR Sewage Treatment Plant MLSS

Sewage Water From a Camp

Design Sheet for the Biogas Plant

WWTP for Non-alcoholic Coca-Cola 500 CMD in Iran

How Can I Get Details of Groundwater and Aquifers in a Particular Area?

What is the Best Design for 5CMD Wastewater with COD of 10,000?

Design of a Constructed Wetland for Grey Water

How to Use a Color Reducer for a Waste Water Plant?

Most Effecient Method to Reduce/Eliminate Bad Odour from a Pig Farm (Except Biofilter)?

Topics in a WT Training Manual

Does Anyone Have an Example of Privately Financed Floodplain Restoration?

Net Annual Change in the Surface Storage

Water Surface Elevation of the Lake at the End of the Month

Minimal Organic Loading to a WWTP

Piggery Manure Waste Water

Heavy Metals Simulation in Mike 11

Demineralization Plant "Rejects"

Reusing Treated Wastewater on a Plantation

Best Option for Water Purification System in an Emergency Situation

Should we still Adhere to API Designs for OWS System?

Adverse Effect of Sludge Aeration

PhD Research Work in Chemical Engineering

Filter Membrane Blockage Prevention

Best Books on Water?

MSc Research Topic Suggestion

Incineration of Organic Waste with 60 t/h Capacity

Does anyone ​have a design ​for a baffled ​Aeration ​fountain? ​

How to Reduce the Smell around the WWTP?

Basic Sanitation to the Poorest of the Poor

Wastewater Valuing

Aerobic Composting Plant on the Shore

Best Low Cost Portable Water Testing Tool?

What are Best Tools & Software for Conducting Geological Assessment of Subsoils for Rainwater Harvesting?

Depth of water table

Can bylaws can be an effective tool for securing tenure as a collective as well as for individual members?

On-site Stream for Water Harvesting

Optimisation of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

Quantifying the Colloidal Phase Ratio in Activated Sludge

Wastewater Treatment Suggestion

Riverbank Erosion Rates Calculation

Removing Organic Colourants from Wastewater

Flood and Water Management

Temperature and Suspended Particle Concentration Range in Industrial Discharges

Case Study of WWTP Products Supporting Food Production

High Corrosion in a Closed Loop Cooling System

Kemira Coagulant BC100

Acceptable level of TDS for Raw Water

Removing MBBR Media

e-PTW Software

Sand Filtration for Grey Water Treatment

How to Design MBBR and MBR Process for Sewage Treatment Plant?

Membrane Polymer Technology

Water Treatment Plant P&ID

Chlorination of Water as per ISO 9001:2008 and 2015

Detection Methods for Microbiological Indicators in Drinking Water

Best Sanitation Innovations in Africa

Water Recycling Technology Involving the Use of Volcanic Rocks and Filtration Mattresses

Design of the Lamella Gravity Separator

Installation of the Data Logger in the Bulk Flow Meter?

Well Field Sizes for Municipalities

Surge Analysis for STORM

Personal Desalinator Suggestions?

How to Remove Calcium from Drinking Water?

Mixing System for the Clarifier

Does Adding Cow Feces Increase COD?

SWRO Permeate

Wet Garbage Disposer

Bad Odour Harvested Rainwater

Best Practices for Reuse Systems and Water Reduction Strategies

Pore Scale Modelling for a Porous Membrane

Problems with Microthrix Parvicella in WWTP

Decreasing Sulphur-reducing Bacteria

Biological Waste Management from Slaughterhouse (Solid Waste)

Harvesting Grey Water

Groundwater Monetization

Decreasing Settlement in the Aerator in ASP

Land Based Water Pollution

High Biosolids Transport Costs and Carbon Footprint

Water Quality Technologies for the Sports-turf Industry

NGO to Help Provide Clean Water

Water Hyacinth Removal from a Lake

Books and Papers about Water Technologies in Arid Areas

Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection in Python

Pesticide Monitoring in Water

Python Modules to Process Polygons and HDF5 Fille Types

Precise Aqueduct Detection

Technologies for Recycling Laundry Water

Preventing Midges / Flies Entering Raw Water Tanks

Thermal Desalination Output Affected by Chlorine Dosing

Pure Water from Surface Water

Micro Irrigation and Soil Microbial Activity

Backwash for a Slow Sand Filter

Processing Rainfall Data

Borehole Drilling Curve Advice

Deionised Municipal Water for the Making of Antiseptic Liquid

Dissolving Ammonia from Water

Groundwater Treatment Modelling Software

Permanently Removing Legionella from the Cooling Tower

High Coagulant Consumption in Dairy Industry

Totally Different Condition of Diffusers in SBR1 and SBR2 of the Same WWTP

Regulations on Micropollutants in Water

Sludge Bulking Reduction in SBR

Limits for Pharmaceutical Substances Discharge

Mobile Water Park

Microbiological Growth Removal

Wastewater Treatment in Meat Industry

Decompostion Phase of Landfill Leachate

Green Infrastructure to Capture Runoff

Treating Formaldehyde Wastewater from Industrial Wastewater?

Most Important Parameter for Industrial Wastewater Reuse

Tying up Resins and Activated Carbon in Permeable Bags in Water Treatment

Community Group Size for Efficient WASH Management

Loss of Head in Bended Pipes

Reducing Energy Consumption at Drinking and Waste Water Sites

Frequency Controllers for Centrifugal Pumps

Artificial Wetland Design for Improving River Water Quality

Temperature Phased Anaerobic Digestion in Municipal WWTPs

Sewer Pipe Cleaning Methods

Chlorination after Installing a Well Pump

Sand Filter for Seawater Desalination

Zeolite for Water Treatment

Normalized Difference Water Index

MBR Design

Arsenic Removal by Reverse Osmosis

Technique to Stop Underground Water Pollution by Crude Oil?

How Can You Apply Your Expertise to Help Mitigate Flood Impacts?

Alkaline Digestion for Cr(VI)

Water Hammer Protection (Surge Vessel)

Biosolids Buoyancy Manipulation

Ion Exchange for Bicarbonate Dosage in Drinking Water

Poor Settling in Wastewater Digesters

Treatment of Petroleum-Contaminated Water on Ships/Vessels

Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plant in Industrial Parks

UV Dose Calculation

Water Hammer Calculation

Steam Thermocompressor Problem

Water Purification in Flooded Areas

How Will the Growing U.S. Marijuana Market Impact the Water Industry?

DTH Drilling - Sediments Not Coming Out

RO Design Flux

Ammonia Removal from Water

Bromine as a Water Disinfectant

Strong Sulfide Odour in Water

Actual Velocity in Sewer vs Design Velocity by Manning's Equation

Toxic Algae Bloom Prevention

Tube Settler Media Calculation

Lamella Clarifier Design

Cyanide and Phenol Removal

Dissolved Ammonia in Bleed Water

Off-grid Water Collection, Treatment and Use

Domestic Wastewater Treatment

UV Disinfection, Residual Chlorine Dose and the Contact Tank

Minimize Free Cyanide in Blast Furnace GCPl Launders?

Natural Drinking Water System for Schools

Effect of Ultrasound on Algae

High TDS in Brewery Effluent

Cheap and Efficient Coagulants

Activated Sludge SBR

Dissolved Air Flotation Calculation

Legionella bacteria and Scaling Problems

Water Treatment for Reuse

RO for Sodium-free Water

Chlorine Gas Overdose

CaCO3 Scaling in the Distribution System

Elevated Lead Levels in Water Supply

Removing Nitrates and Nitrites from Borehole Water Without Ion Exchange Resins

Decreasing Fluoride in Water Wells with Resins

Valve to Mix 2 Different Water Hardness Streams

Economical Iron Removal from Water

CAPEX Range for a 10 MLD STP?

High Sulphide Content in WWTP Effluent

RO Plant Energy Consumption

Technologies for River Water Treatment

Oil Water Remediation

Decreasing pH Level of Siltation Ponds

Brine Concentrator Scaling

Removing Fluoride from Water

Increasing Drinking Water pH

Reducing Silica in RO

E. coli Test Method

Saline Water Treatment at Household Level

Organic Removal From Baker Yeast Manufacturing

Nodal Base Demand in Drinking Water Supply Network

Trickling Filter Filling issue

Microfilter for Nanoparticles Filtering

Ammonia Removal from River Water

Water Pipelines Network Modelling Software

Best Oil and Gas Supply Pipe Material?

Finding an Invisible Leak in HDPE Pipes

Replacing Pretreatment UF with Media Filters?

Treatment and Disposal of Liquid Lab Chemicals

Bottled Drinking Water pH

Estimating the Change in Groundwater Parameters

Wastewater Treatment with High Organic Load

Dextrose for Hex-chrome Reduction

Grease Trap, Dewatering and Disposal

Increasing Hardness of RO Permeate

Boiler Feed Water and Cooling Tower Chemicals Dosing

Peristaltic Pump Requirements for an ED Plant

How to Seal Water Pipes from the Inside?

Filtration for Borehole Installations?

Foaming of Effluent in WWTP

Streamflow Drought Index Calculation

Chlorine Dose for Industrial Water

Chemicals to Reduce the Odour of STP Grey Water

Horizontal Air Sparging Design

Field Bicarbonate in Groundwater Testing

Extracting and Reusing Metals from Mining

Phosphorus Removal from Sewage with Biological Treatment

Center Pivot Irrigation Design

Greywater Reuse for Laundry

Algaecide Overdosing in a Pond

Calculating Water Loss in the Distribution System

Pore Volume in Column Experiment

Removing Scale in Sludge Lines

Nitrate Ion Removal from Water Wells

Issues in Coagulation Process

Grey Water Reuse: Safe or Not?

Archimedes Helix on a River for Energy Production

Reducing the Fluorine Concentration in Water

Biodigester in Households for Sludge Treatment

Number of Community Toilets Calculation

Water Hammer Calculation

Water Condensate Treatment

Solid-liquid Separation Process Optimisation

Pond Size Calculation for Farm Irrigation

Europe's River Polygon Shapefile Data

Relationship ​between NRW and UF Water

Iron Removal Setup

Citric Acid as Scale Inhibitor

Optimization of WWTP at Maize Industry

High TDS in Vegetable Processing Effluent

Small-scale Incineration of Waste for Energy Recovery

Best Water Quality Monitoring Tool

Water Hyacinth Removal from a River

Well Disinfection to Prevent Cholera Outbreaks

Are you ready for edible water ?

Turning Toilet Sludge into Energy

Fertilizer Response to Crops

Dynamical Downscaling for Climate Model Projections

Desalination using Graphene

Estimating Groundwater Potential

Tannery Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sulfate Radicals for Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Designing a RO system

Bacteria Used for Wastewater Treatment

Faecal Sludge Management for a Town in Hills

Standards for Water Quality in Cooling Towers

TEP Fouling in RO Membranes

Nickel Removal from Drinking Water

Organically Bonded Mg Clogging UF

Hydrogen Peroxide Increasing BOD

Foaming Due to Nocardia Bacteria

ZLD Scaling Problem

Hospital & Municipal Wastewater Treatment Difference

Water Meter Accuracy Measurment

COD Reduction in Pharma Waste

MBBR Denitrification for Salty Water

Weed Management in Water Reservoir

Water projects Investments Comparison

RO Membrane Giving High Output TDS

Chemical for Treating Silica Before Filtration

High TDS in Water Clogging Pipes

Water Treatment after Biogas Processing

Dewatering Based on Sludge Rheology

Water & Energy Meters availability

Where Can I Get GIS Data for Ganges?

What is the Cause of Biotrickling Filters Blockage?

Which Chemicals Provide Oxygen for Aerobic Treatment for 12h?

Does Polyelectrolyte affect Biogas Production?

Help us Design a Blue School Concept Curriculum

How to Manage the Increase in Seasonal Wastewater Inflow?

How to Estimate Water Footprint for IT Companies?

What are the Causes of Rapid Sand Filter Clogging?

How to Regulate Sulphuric Acid Dosing When it is not Required?

How to Reuse and Reduce Water consumption in Ceramics Industry?

Nutrients and Chlorophyll Chemistry

What are the best Water Tech for Smart Cities

How to Calculate Water Storage Capacity of a Pond?

Simple Water Balance Tools for Scarce Hydrology Data?

Water Hardness Removing Chemical

Non-residential Water Patterns

How to Treat Electroplating Waste at Source?

Metaldehyde Aquatic Half-Life Data

pH Increase in Desalinated Water in Water Transmission Pipeline

Removal of Sulphides from Wastewater

Alternative Oil Spill Cleanup Methods

Walnut shell filter performance

How to get rid of scum?

How to remove Nitrate, Iron and Manganese from water?

Lift Station Management

Sensors to Identify Pests at Different Stages

Water Leakage During Pipe Transport

How to Improve Wastewater Effluent Quality?

Cheap way to mitigate faecal matter odor?

Saline Water for Irrigation

Biocide Dosing Calculations

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Medium Calculation

Portable arsenic test kit for drinking water

Upgrading an Existing Sewage Plant

Optimal Sludge Drying Settings

Effect of a Stormwater System in WWTWs?

Foam Control in WWTP

Effect of Residential Booster Pumps on Water Quality?

How Can I Measure Land-Applied Sludge Emissions?

How Safe is Grey Water for Irrigation?

Hydrogen peroxide to clean filter media

Using Nanobubbles for Oxidation?

How to Remove Bauxite from Water?

Sensors for Real-time data acquisition for water distribution systems.

Estimation of "Wash-and-Rinse" Wastewater Quantity from Food Processing Industry

Internal vs External Restrained Ductile Iron Pipes joints.

Groundwater Recharge using Stormwater

Inlined Chlorine Sensor for water quality monitoring

EDR Vs ​RO for Water Treatment

New Precipitation Measurement Methods?

Anaerobic treatment system for palm oil mill effluent

MLSS Concentration dropping in WWTP

Algae formation in water treatment process

Adsorption modification for nitrate removal

Calcium Hypochlorite Scaling

Waste Water Treatment Plant Design Free Software

Which is the best Wastewater Treatment technology?

Remote Dosing Pump

Desalination Plants: Hiring vs Purchase?

Water utilization

Are plastic-embedded roads a threat to aquifers?

Amount of diffuser discs at the base of an SBR basin?

Mobile App for water quality sampling

Fluoride removal from lake water

Adoption of DAF as a pre-treatment method for desalination plants

Underground and Surface Water Data Collection Methods

Looking for efficient and economic methods to keep the sea pollution-free

Reverse Osmosis for water treatment

Can we solve the water problem in chromite mine area?

What exactly is spate irrigation?

Solution to river bank erosion in lower stream of Ganga?

Regarding your last clean-up efforts in Hawaii, did you have macro-debris data / sq meter to share with us ?

Feasibility of Using Bio-denitrification for Contaminated Groundwater

Topics to cover in a ​WT training ​manual for ​entry level ​professionals.

Interlinking of Indian Rivers

Consequences of drinking harvested rainwater with lower pH

Design details of vacuum sewer systems

Wastewater Treatment method for Dental Floss Manufacturing Site

Nitrates removal technology for bore well water

Is anyone using LoRa Sensor Networks for water supply management?

SMS-based drinking water quality surveillance in remote rural areas

Analysis of Microplastics

Sediment/sludge removal from the water supply system

How can we estimate the impacts of earthquakes on water resources?

Have you heard about this world sailing project aiming to produce zero waste ?

Color Removal from Pulp & Paper Industry Effluents.

Would you be interested by launching a project to tackle plastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea ?

Use of Algae and Biosorbents for the treatment of waste water

What is the downside of using carbon dioxide to reduce the pH of alkaline waste water from an anodizing plant?

How to reduce the water turbidity problem quickly?

How to avoid pressure on the ecosystem and environment in urban areas of India?

Rural Sanitation Initiatives for Ganga Rejuvenation - are there any set guidelines?

Borehole construction and its effect on the environment

Have you been to the SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting in Nantes last month ?

How to purify muddy water for potable use

How to improve the self-purification process of river Ganga?

Solution for treatment of sludge produced in ceramic industry

Looking for Online Water Quality Monitoring Systems

Best Use of Flood Plains?

Help us identify these ​weeds and algae.

Will you be also presenting your studies at the MICRO International conference in Lanzarote next week ?

Detailed project planning for cleaning an urban river system in Zimbabwe.

Suitable electrolyte for electrocoagulation treatment of wastewater?

Assess pesticides and fertiliser residuals in the wetland ecosystem

How to estimate the amount of groundwater recharge through a recharge pond?

Did you hear about this Antarctic expedition including a project: impact of micro plastics on the Southern Ocean food web?

Siphon intake pipe in desalinization plants - examples

How we can calculate or estimate the quantity of ground water available in a particular region?

What is the most effective way for reducing the calcium level in water?

What is the best pipe material for water supply?

Ocean Crossing Pipeline for Island Water Supply

How to develop a Groundwater governance model for efficient water use

Analytical techniques for mine water inflow estimation

Marine litter - implying the plastics industry in your actions?

Have you heard of other events on plastic pollution / marine debris for the coming years ?

New Technology Piloting in Ganga

Preventive solution for odor pollution from WWP trickling plant

Fluoride removal from water without using electricity

Which wastewater treatment method is most efficient in fish farming?

Communicating scientific results on marine litter through art?

How to separately collect Ammonia from wastewater?

List of firms dedicated to pollution remediation and/or collecting floating macro-waste

Food and farming demands and information available.

Linearment mapping for ground water modelling

What should be the indicators considered for the success of the Ganges clean up program?

How to maintain ​water level of ​the pond?

What is the most cost-efficient solution for drinking water disinfection?

Soil Moisture Mapping from Satellite Images for Better Irrigation Management

How to do a strategic Water auditing for town?

Using DTH (down the hole hammer) drilling method

Micro Sewage Treatment Station for House Hold Waste Water

Hydrogel for Improving Water Use Efficiency of Agricultural Crops

Is it possible to have greater Electric Conductivity (EC) value for Waste Water than Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)?

Hydrocarbon contamination in water - looking for remediation methods.

Greywater Reuse for Irrigation Purposes

River Pollution Mapping Software

Adverse effect of excessive water on the crop growth

Curtain/Cut-off wall design for small dams

How to calculate the performance ratio (PR) for MED-TVC desalination

Plastic pollution issue - New progress ? results ?

Appropriate rooftop water tank cleaning and disinfection

Looking for Restoration of Supply – Line Stop Solutions

How to reduce manganese level from drinking water?

Marine Debris Tracker - Are you using this app?

Converting Lagoon into Freshwater Wetland

Soil moisture measurement for better irrigation management

Design details for constructed wetlands.

Causes for the overload of the WWTWs in developing countries.

How does water harvesting (at landscape level) impact micro-climate?

Problem encountered when modeling with Delft3D

Will raising pH of well water cause minerals to precipitate?

Seeking experts and platforms in water data anaytics and customer facing analytics/ data expression

Mobile Sewage Treatment Machine

Marine pollution - percentage of plastics vs. other materials

Water quality data for coastal zones

Generate flood risk maps

Desalination Plant installed capacity figures

DAF Selection Criteria in SWRO Plants

Using PCSWMM to study landuse change impact on floods

Flood frequency analysis for downstream gauging sites.

Designed storage capacity of potable service reservoirs to maintain supply during short term outage events

What are some of the feasible methods to treat river water contaminated with industrial effluents?

PVA removal in textile waste water treatment prior to RO to prevent clogging

How to design an inverted siphon?

Underwater Farming

Design details for sprinkler irrigation system

Reusing sludge generated from surface water and waste water treatment

Post-storm events / post-monsoon's effects on drinking water quality

Looking for sustainable faecal sludge management solutions.

How can I calculate multi-refill in water harvesting structures because of monsoon rains?

Solutions for prediction of pump failure in real time

Recovery in crossflow membrane MF/UF (permeate:feed)

Seawater Desalination vs. Direct Potable Reuse

Standards for biological parameters for drinking water

Guidance for developing National Standards - WHO based for Sanitation, Water Supply and Wastewater treatment

Customer Engagement or Capital Asset Management?

Are there any practical tests done to precipitate fog artificially with fog-seeding as a potential water source in arid and semi-arid areas?

How can we control biofilm growth in drinking water pipeline without increasing disinfectant dosing as WQ standards and not to end up with disinfectant byproducts due to excess disinfectant?

Pure water distribution system in pharmaceutical company

What could have caused coloration of dairy industry effluents after it has gone through allophanic soil columns?

What is the effect of oil on sand bed filtration?

Can anyone tell me more about micro-irrigation for hydroponic systems in tropical regions?

Solutions for reducing septicity in pumped sewer rising mains?

Minerals extraction and reuse from brines (ZLD)

Your suggestions sought for water purification solution in earthquake affected villages in Nepal.

How to develop a lift irrigation system using GIS and Remote Sensing ?

Water need in livestock production in relation to the temperature

Which is the best method for correcting water the pH level ?

What would be the best way of reducing COD levels prior to a Bioreactor?

What is the best method to "Replicate a pilot for low cost toilets" in different developing countries and gaining acceptance?

How to reduce TDS level in golf course irrigation water?

Does anyone know about grey water systems for automobile service stations?

Is there any way to identify which type of phosphorus (P) is exported from agricultural watersheds?

Mapping Tools for water and sanitation infrastructure.

How to design and choose a proper casing pipe for bore wells?

Natural Wetlands and Waste management in Rural area

What is the best decentralized treatment solution for a city which is already built without a centralized sewage system?

How to estimate the Ecological Value of a small irrigation reservoir?

How to design MBBR and ASP system with nitrification and denitrification process in a Waste water treatment system?

How to clean oil polluted ground water to make suitable for drinking and agriculture use?

Which pipe material is the best for water supply networks in terms of quality of water supplied ?

What are the possibilities of using microbes for heavy metal removal from waste water?

Can the effluent of secondary treatment of pulp and paper plant be used for irrigation?

Leakage Management System

How to replace the missing temporal data of the ocean tidal levels for hydrodynamic modeling of an estuary?

What are the methods to raise pH of well water?

What is the Availability of Real-Time and Online Ecoli Detection Solutions?

About R.O. w/membrane desalination

If one had to select one fixed sampling location for physicochemical parameters in a large lake such as lake Malawi, how could he/she go about it?

How to attain desired air quality in aeration tanks?

What are the best methods to treat high salinity of clay soil?

When doing carbon footprint calculation, how to estimate the percentage of carbon in the dissolved CO2 in water by photosynthetic activity of plants?

Is there a good software model for calculating the most effective Tariffs for an urban area?

what is the best mobile small water treatment systems for emergency !!

What is the trend in the sewage treatment industry to Process Safety?

Groundwater Arsenic Collection Containers and Preservation for ICP-MS Analysis

What is the best software for plant (equipment, piping and electric works) installation design

Does anyone know the best way to retrieve a broken drill string from a deep well?

Suggestions for re-treatment method for water mixed with solids and mud after coagulation and sedimentation process?

Nitrate removal from waste water generated at community urinals

Good open source software to help design municipal WW treatment plants? Why so many over designs?

What should be the indicators considered for the success of the Ganges clean up program?

What is the best irrigation solution for 3000ha flat sugarcane plantation ?

Low cost solution to remove both pathogen and chemicals including lead from drinking water at household level?

Caustic Recovery Plant for textile processing

Seeking advise for water filter solution

What is the best low cost solution for sewage treatment plant for low cost affordable housing

What is the best option available to recycle the treated wastewater of a textile mills ?

What is the necessity of following coagulation theory in the water purification of turbid water?

Is Non-Thermal Plasma Appropriate as Odor Control Treatment for Sewage Treatment Plants?

Some Guidance for Construction of Pit Latrines in Flood Prone Areas.

Is the Red-Dead Sea Conveyance project the only option to restore the Dead Sea?

How can solar powered sewage treatment plants help municipalities of a developing country ? Does anybody have some case studies or presentation of the said system?

MBR Effluent with no color ! Possible ?

Where can I find International Water Reuse Standards and Regulations ?

Can someone provide relevant design references for MED - TVC basic plant?

Which test should be carried out to detect the type and extend of soil and ground water contamination ?

Industrial-Scale MBR-PAC Installations

How to remove fluoride from groundwater?

Hydrogen sulphide removal from drinking water

Can we use constructed wetland for treating leachate of landfill?

How to construct a water tight and gas proof enclosure in a highly contaminated area safely?

Is Electro-Fenton process for wastewater treatment is suitable economically and technically for small winery unit?

Has the advent of community-led total sanitation (CLTS) brought any meaningful change in our communities' attitude towards open defecation?

What do you know about coagulation? Can it be applied to cleanse turbid water?

What happens when nitrate contaminated drainage water is diverted to soils with high iron content? Will it form ferric nitrate? If then, what are the dangers of ferric nitrate to ecology?

Do we need to treat the drinking water if carbon dioxide is naturally mixed with it?

How to Fix a Problem of Sludge Bulking in a Waste Water Treatment Plant?

What are the Giophysics Survey needed before digging a well

pH correction methods

What’s the best cheapest method of metering water at farm level?

Emerging technologies to treat brine from SWRO plants

What about using ceramic filtration in R.O desalination plant pretreatment

Feasible method for purifying the water with TDS level of 2600 ppm.

Help needed in choosing a software for designing a sewage treatment plant

Estimation of net greenhouse gas emission from a paddy field

Choosing right pump for the bore well used for irrigation purpose.

How can we solve water problems in the Sahelian Zone of Africa?

water management and irrigation institute want to train farmers in Gezira scheme (0.88 Mh) on how to manage irrigation water, however we need donors to help us financially?

Treatment for irrigation water

Tubewell Drainage Technology

How is electrolysis technology is helpful in reducing the TDS?

at 1M gpd, what is the cost of all facilities necessary (not the RO system itself) to operate?

in the U.S. market what is the cost of a 1M gpd RO system?

What are the origins of organic pollutants and The effects of organic effluents on receiving waters?

I am an agriculture graduate and farming these days. I want to know more about the groundwater availability of my area. Please explain what is the technique of electrical well logging for groundwater exploration ? Is it very expensive ?

In semi arid villages few farmers who have money are constructing huge farm ponds and instead of filling them by rain water, they are filling them with groundwater. In such case how we can address equity of groundwater at village level?

What is your advice for marketing a innovative product?

will anybody tell me the exact procedure of formation of Trihalomethanes (THMs) by chlorination of water or in wastewater?

I need a good technology using sequential batch reactor (SBR) for domestic sewage treatment plants to be put up in India.

Is Indian industry and manufacturing sector doing enough in waste water/effluent treatment to follow prescribed statutory norms and pollution control regulations?

How we can tackle with “Peak water (fresh water)” issue?

Is walnut shell filtration effective for free oil removal? Has anyone used it?

What can be done to prevent the calamities like what happened at Uttarakhand INDIA due to improper flood water management? ?

Is 20 litres per capita per day sufficient for the full realisation of the right to water?

Is hydrofracturing useful?

will the quality of sea water affects the quality of desalinated water?

Methods for Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage

Soft path for water in the food industry?

Effect of water pH on acidic soil?

Our drinking water has ecoil. What to do?

Evaporation from the farm pond

Urban sanitation.

Type of filter to be used for recycling the grey water.

runoff calculation.

Ozone in bottled water

water softner

Iron contamination

How can we ascertain availability of ground water using GIS.

Identify a suitable site for borewell?

Why world not accepting Rwanda-Africa water crisis management? Hand washing Station with Pedal is cheaper than motion sensing taps.

Right to water...does it means it is free?

can anyone tell me how much energy is consumed in production of desalinated water?

Will we suffer from the bottel water company situated near our village?

Want to setup small water purify plant.

Can you recommend me any cleantech investors focusing on Africa

Injection of roof water harvested to borewell

Waht happens when the detergent enters into freshwater ecosystem?

Impacts on soil and plants when salt water spills occur

i use cropwat program but i have aproblem of determing some factores for specific crops type these factors are yield response/critical depletion/rooting depth/cropheight ,the factores data needed for the following crops cucumber-squash-eggplant-thyme-jews

What is the water metering policy for irrigation in your country, how is it monitored? And do you think it's important in order to increase water efficiency in agriculture?

What is a river basin management approach?

Behaviour Change Communication

Can anyone give scientific evidence that sewage sludge is harmful?

Water and sanitation programm

Measurement of cloud cover

Review on magnetic water treatment

Which type of well yields more water: a dug well or a tube well?

Drainage water managment

Criteria for desalination plant’s pretreatment system operates well?

Why are ground based precipitation estimation is unreliable??

Hello everyone, Pl. Describe what will happen if pathogen enters in freshwater ecosystem?

Water as Basic Human Right Has a Market Price, Says U.N. Chief

HCl or H2SO4 should be used in waste water treatment

Training Here and Abroad

"WASH and developing countries"

Wetland mapping


Freshwater zones

Water logging

UK energy required for water supplies?

How can I reduce my unwanted agricultural chemicals?

Water a human right or economical good?

Impact to ground water pathway investigation

high efficiency irrigation system

In softening of drinking water will the minerals also get reduced ?

Hydro fracking

Do you think that we should meter and control the water use in irrigation sector?

Save Water

Industrial Effluents as a Source of Drinking Water Contamination

Irrigation to different types of plants

Mineral water merits and demerits

Disinfection of water

Disaster management wash clusters prepared during emergencies

Views on Wetlands

Seawater quality and biofouling

Privatisation of water

Pressure Exchangers – Operational Experience

Gender equity in WASH

How do we get high levels of Anhydrous Ammonia out of our aquifers?

High boron Content in RO process

Disinfection of open wells

Arsenic removal from the water technologies

Sodic water for irrigation of crop.

What is the best range for TDS in potable water?

Green roof design

Nitrogen for the crop

How to protect and manage the private water supplies.

Solutions for land scarcity

Water pollution domino effect

Developing Countries Access to GSF

Why are environmentalist are telling not to built dams?

Options for disposing of bacterial strains

Common challenges in remote sensing and hydrological sciences

Is there any way to quantify un-metered water usage in irrigation?

Use of DAF for Seawater Pretreatment

Social audit of water and sanitation projects

Nonpoint source pollution and effects on water?

Promoting the right to water among children-The need of the hour!

GE new IPER system

What is a water softener? What does a water softener do?

How to calculate the volume of a storage tank based on a certain annual rainfall ?

What is the solution of salinity water in the desert?


Water management issue

Groundwater contamination

Desalinated Water

Irrigation Methods

River Basin Management and Climate Change

Water for Future...

Is Hydroponics the solution to the impending global fresh water crisis?

Impact of pharmaceuticals on human health through water

Do you think that India Water Week has achived its said objectives?

Can anyone suggest me an open source software for modeling the aquifers?

Is water quality worsened due to old infrastructure?

Is desalinated water drinkable?

Water footprint of honey

Can Anyone Share Information on the Use of Dissolved Air Flotation for Pretreatment of Seawater?

How to mitigate the induced (specific to artificial recharge) ground water pollution in India?

In what instances have you used myco-remediation?

Contamination of water sources in flood affected area

Can anyone tell me the process of disinfection of lead hand pumps?

Is desalination of seawater considered more economically viable than desalination of saline ground water?

What was the most valuable session that you attended at the India Water Week?

How to best manage water footprints between countries?

Mind the streams please

Map with onshore eutrophication, polluted water and water scarcity

Who is the owner of waste water in case of lack of sanitation/sewage infrastructure?

What will it take to get renewable energy past the politics?

Should Knowledge Management be viewed as a Spend to Save or a Return On Investment?

Should Knowledge Management be Mandatory?

Trust is Key Factor in Collaboration

Options for Rainwater harvesting methods.

What governance initiatives are necessary to protect transboundary water concerns?

What is Blue, Green and Grey Water?

New technology in agriculture

Is the EU attempting to put actions in place to reduce the virtual water use ?

public awareness of virtual water

Virtual Water policy from private companies


raise awareness of virtual water

Is it possible to extract water from air?

Is Chicken more water friendly than beef?

Are there any water recycling projects in world?

Footprint Policy vs International Trade

Is there such a thing as peak water?

Ways to encourage water conservation

Virtual Water and Viral Marketing

Fertilizers and chemicals

Which industry uses the most water?

Bottled water and health

Water leak of Nuclear Power Plant in the USA

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Supporting with our purchasing

World Bank Water and Sanitation Initiative

What are current solutions to Sick Water?

Water Softener benefits

Water softeners

Evaporated water, and its cycle

Should the use of water by farmers be regulated?

What are the better options for packaging water?

Why do I need a domestic filtration unit if my utility is required to deliver clean water?

How do people know their tap water is safe?